6-Day Chaos Blanket
A Variation of the 6-Day Kid Blanket
Crochet Pattern by Betty McKnit
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This new pattern has been pre-released in the membership community, the Betty McKnitiverse.
Join the Betty McKnitiverse now for instant access to this and other pre-released new patterns from Betty.
Membership includes:
Ad-Free .pdf patterns from Betty’s Pattern Library
Exclusive Pattern Variations not available anywhere else.
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Crochet Alongs and Knit Alongs
Design Workshop to work on new projects behind the scenes with Betty

Beth McKee Elliott, also known as Betty McKnit, is a crochet and knitting designer, instructor, community leader, and Master Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator. Her signature style, 6-Day Crochet, is showcased in the viral crochet patterns the 6-Day Kid Blanket and 6-Day Star Blanket.
Beth/Betty is passionate about designing quick, adaptable, go-to crochet and knitting projects, and is committed to being accessible to assist crafters in bringing their dream projects to life.
She specializes in Somatic Crochet and Knitting, a mindfulness practice that combines crochet/knitting with body awareness techniques to prevent injury and promote well-being and creativity in crafting.

An international community of yarnful makers and friends.
- New pattern pre-releases
- Exclusive patterns never released to the public
- Have access to Betty’s ad-free .pdf library of patterns (3-4 patterns/month)
- Access to Betty’s Design Workshop
- Uplevel your knitting and crochet skills
- Enjoy regular crochet alongs, knit alongs, and classes
- Make like-minded friendships during our weekly social and educational events
- Bonus content every month