The one and only classic
6-Day Kid Blanket
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Pattern Supplements:

Join one of my online communities to knit and crochet along with friends, get help with pattern questions, show off your makes, and access tons of free resources for making 6-Day Crochet and other Betty McKnit designs.
6-Day Baby Blankets
- 6-Day Viral Kid Blanket
with matching Bunny Lovey by Courtney Shepherd @gothfaeriescreations
- 6-Day Ridgy Didge Baby Blanket – Matching Faerie Lovey
- 6-Day Retro Rainbow Baby Blanket
- 6-Day Sweetheart Rainbow Baby Blanket – Matching Bear Lovey
- 6-Day Baby Blanket
- 6-Day Baby Girl Blanket
- 6-Day Baby Boy Blanket
- Mushroom Risoto
6DKB Variations
- 6-Day Ridgy Didge Blanket
- 6-Day Chunky Throw
- 6-Day Tranquility Blanket
- 6-Day Beach House Blanket featuring Noro Yarn
- 6-Day Viral Blanket
- 6-Day Snowflake Blanket
- 6-Day Sweetheart Blanket
- 6-Day Popsicle Blanket
- 6-Day Man Blanket
- 6-Day Boom Blanket
- Betty’s Lazy Mix

6-Day Star Blankets
6-Day Star Blanket
6-Day Superstar Blanket
6-Day Supernova Blanket
6-Day Sweetheart Star Blanket
Spring Mixers
6-Day Ridgy Didge Star
6-Day Ridgy Didge Superstar
6-Day Ridgy Didge Supernova

6-Day Granny Square Patterns
6-Day Granny Square
6-Day Great Granny Blanket
6-Day Great Granddaddy Blanket
6-Day Great Granddaddyo Blanket featuring Noro Yarn
6-Day Chaos Blanket

Holiday Tree Skirts (adaptations of the 6-Day Star Blanket Patterns)
6-Day Star Holiday Tree Skirt
6-Day Superstar Holiday Tree Skirt
6-Day Supernova Holiday Tree Skirt

Holiday Table Runners
6-Day Holiday Table Runner in Christmas Colors
6-Day Holiday Table Runner in Hanukkah Colors
6-Day Holiday Table Runner in Kwanzaa Colors

6-Day Kid Blanket Inspired Garments
- 6-Day Halter Top
- 6-Day Staro and Superstaro Shawls featuring Noro Yarn
- 6-Day Hexagon Cardigan
- 6-Day Star, Superstar, and Supernova Shawls
- 6-Day Pocket Shawl
- 6-Day Sideways Pocket Shawl
- 6-Day Shrug
- 6-Day Shrug with Hoodie
- 6-Day Shrug Wrap
- 6-Day Hooded Infinity Scarf
- 6DKB Hat
- 6DKB Popsicle Effect Hat
- Invisible Woman Hat
- Invisible People Hat
- Maiya’s Roommate’s Hat
- The Swirly Version – Maiya’s Roommate’s Hat with a twist
- Ggester Hat
- Baby Ggester Hat
- 6-Day Star Shawl
- 6-Day Superstar Shawl
- 6-Day Supernova Shawl
- Half Moon Goddess (premium pattern)
- 6-Day Pocket Shawl
- 6-Day Sideways Pocket Shawl
- 6DKB Scarves – Single and Double
- Never NOT Twisted Mobius
- Halfway Home on Metro North
- Destination Texture

Available only in the Betty McKnitiverse Membership Community
6-Day Granny Ripple Blanket
6-Day Mug Cozy
Just the Borders
6-Day 8 Pointed Star
… and more!
- 6-Day Kid Blanket Swatch Info
- Graphs for the 6-Day Kid Blanket
- How to create the “Snowflake Effect”
- How to start your 6DKB with a straight edge
- Squaring off the edges of your 6DKB
- 6-Day Blanket Straight Start Questions Answered
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An international community of yarnful makers and friends.
- New pattern pre-releases
- Exclusive patterns never released to the public
- Have access to Betty’s ad-free .pdf library of patterns (3-4 patterns/month)
- Access to Betty’s Design Workshop
- Uplevel your knitting and crochet skills
- Enjoy regular crochet alongs, knit alongs, and classes
- Make like-minded friendships during our weekly social and educational events
- Bonus content every month
This page contains affiliate links. If you click these links and buy something on the page they take you to, I may, at no additional cost to you, earn a commission. I only affiliate with products and companies I feel good about. Thank you for your support!
© Beth McKee Elliott/Betty McKnit®